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unMEAT Luncheon Easy Stuffing

Serves 4

1 hr



8 cups (340g)sourdough bread, cut to 1-inch cubes

Drizzle ofolive oil

¼ cupbutter (vegan, optional) - divided

1 cupdiced onion

½ cupdiced celery

1Granny Smith apples, diced with peel on

1 canUNMEAT MEAT-FREE LUNCHEON, cut to thick strips

½ cupdried cranberries

¾ cupvegetable broth

1 tbspchopped parsley

Sprinkle ofkosher salt

Dash of freshly ground pepper

How To:

1.Spread bread cubes on a sheet pan and drizzle with olive oil. Bake at 350F pre-heated oven for about 5 minutes or browned on the edges. Transfer to a 4-quart baking dish.

2.Melt half of the butter in a skillet over low to medium heat. Add onion, celery and apples and cook for about 10 minutes or until soft and aromatic. Add to the bread cubes, distributing evenly.

3.In the same pan, add remaining butter and fry unMEAT Luncheon until golden-brown. (Option: Air-fry for 5 minutes at 180 C). Add the luncheons to the bread cubes with the aromatics followed by cranberries and vegetable broth. Sprinkle parsley, salt and pepper. Cover with foil and bake at 350F for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for another 15 minutes until surface is nicely browned.

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